Tips, Tricks, & Thoughts
Discover practical advice on decluttering, organizing, and enjoying your digital and printed memories.
I share thoughts, stories, and insight on a variety of topics:

How To Keep Your Photos Organized While Traveling Part II
Learn the best tips and tricks for organizing your travel photos while you are still traveling so that by the time you get home they have already been culled and organized and are ready to share.

Photo Organizing Powerhouse on Any Platform: The Album
Whether you use Apple Photos, Mylio Photos, FOREVER, Amazon Photos, SmugMug or Google Photos, you can create digital albums (sometimes called collections) to help organize and share subsets of your photos. Albums are one of the best organizing tools for photo storage software.

Three Ways to Share and Collect Photos with Family or Friends on Vacation
Three easy ways to collect and share photos with family and friends while on vacation.

Where Should You Keep Your Photos?
How do you choose a photo storage solution when there are so many options? Read on for what to look for and some pros and cons of popular photo storage sites.

2023: It’s Time to Get Your Photos in Order!
Make 2023 the year you organize your photos so you can enjoy them again. I can help.

Three Ways to Share a Family Photo Collection
What is the best way to share your photos? In this post I discuss my favorite three ways to share a photo collection.

Let’s talk about backing up your photos
Everyone should backup their photos. Here are several suggestions on how to make sure your photo library is secure.