My Story
Hello and Welcome!
My name is Allison W. Freedman, and I am the owner and founder of Arrange Wander Focus. I am a Certified Professional Photo Organizer, Privacy Advocate, and an active member of The Photo Managers
I started this business in 2021 as a way to combine my passion for organizing, photography, and helping others share and tell their stories.
Your Trusted Guide
Arrange Wander Focus is a very personal business.
It requires you to trust me with your most precious and private memories, so you should know who I am.
Here’s a bit about my journey and how I got here:
My Journey
I look different depending on where you find me.
And which lens you use. But I’m the same person.
That’s the beauty of the photograph.
Vacation Me.
Today Me.
Lawyer Me.
I took a circuitous route to get here. My career path went something like this:
I attended college in Maine, majoring in biology and anthropology. I worked at the museum on campus assisting with the collections and giving tours to the public. I spent a lot of my time there off in the woods, and studied abroad in Australia.
I was a volunteer park ranger at Grand Canyon National Park, leading visitors on talks and tours, and helped out on occasional rescue missions for those tourists who just had to peer over the edge. This was followed by a stint at the Point Reyes Bird Observatory in California where I studied migrating and nesting birds in their native habitat. I love being outside and working with people (and birds!).
Following my time with the birds I went on to earn a Master’s Degree in anthropology. My work focused on American Indian legal water rights for a local tribe, plowing through box upon box of old documents and photographs to make sense of the tribe’s relationship to the water, land, and local government. I completed my Master’s degree and switched to law. Say what? It’s a good story for another time. During this time I met my husband and we married in the mountains of Utah.
After earning my J.D., we moved to Chicago, had two kids, adopted a rescue dog, and I was an associate and then a partner at a law firm for 17 years. I enjoyed it, learned a lot – particularly about organizing vast amounts of details, papers, and information to repackage them into a coherent story. I worked with some wonderful people, have crazy stories about trial and all-nighters, learned a lot about many arcane subjects - but it wasn’t my passion. I left my law firm at the end of 2019 to pursue Arrange Wander Focus.