Adding Captions to iPhone Photos with Your Voice!

Here is a really cool trick if you find yourself one-handed, or if you just prefer to talk instead of type. But first, you might be thinking, “she’s talking about captions again?” I love captions and keywords, and I’m nothing if not consistent! So yes, here we are talking about captions again. I recently had a client, who, like me, loves to caption her photos, and she’s quite diligent about it. But when I spoke with her last week she told me her hand was in a cast making it very difficult to type. That’s when I realized many folks don’t know about the amazing voice to text feature on their iPhones.

As it turns out, last week my dog hurt his paw (also making it hard to type…), and of course I took a few photos of it. Ok, I took more than a few - and I’ll take more so I can compare them as he recovers. But following my own advice I only kept a couple and deleted the rest. I want to easily find these again later, so I added some captions using voice to text.

Voice to text is one of my favorite iPhone tricks.

Here’s how it works.

  1. Open a photo on your iPhone.

  2. Swipe up, you’ll see “add a caption.”

  3. Set your curser in the caption space.

  4. Talk and watch as your words are transcribed into the caption!

My dog with his paw on the windowsill, with the caption swipe up to add a caption

This works on iPhones and iPads, and it’s fairly accurate! You can add quite a bit of text, and the artificial intelligence will add in punctuation for you. You can go back and edit later if it gets something wrong.

Once your caption is attached to the photo, you can search by any of the words in it, making it super easy to find later!

photo showing the photos that come up when I search for the word paw

The search pulled up the photo of the hurt paw, along with several other photos in which there was text that said “paw.”

Bonus: the voice to text feature works in many of the native iPhone apps where you can input text. It’s super handy in the Notes app. If you use to store your photos, you can use this same feature to speak a description into your photos.

Is this a feature you will use? Tell me in the comments!


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